Sunday, July 24, 2011

Man's Best Friend, or Dog's Best Friend?

This is what happens when your dog cannot finish the 13 mile hike.  I had to carry my 90+ pound German Shepherd, and my wife had to wear both backpacks. Still, it was a good day.  We started at 7:00 a.m., the first mile of the hike was a closed road like you see in the pictures.  Maybe 1/2 mile in, we nearly collided with a doe and her two fawns.  They finally took off down the hillside away from us.  Got to a wooded trail, and hiked to a backcountry lake, had a quick snack. We were hiking a loop, so came out a different way.  Found a black bear foraging for food at the base of a tree on the trail about 50 yards in front of us.  Thought he was just going to stand his ground, but he finally took off.  Ended the hike with about 3 miles on a closed road and pretty exposed to the sun.  One of my GSD's is losing strength in his back left leg, and it was just too much form him.  I only carried him about 1/2 a mile, but it was a tough load. I would do it again though.  These are great dogs, and the one I carried alerted me to a grizzly in camp just a couple weeks ago.  They truly are my best friends.

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